
5 Top Tips to Save Moving Costs

by Paul Reynolds on SelfStorAll

Image1. Move Less Stuff.   The less there is the lower your moving coast. The most basic way to save on moving is don’t move so much stuff. Basically, purge, purge, purge.

2. Declutter in Steps. Tackle a room every few days and put things into donation and give away or garage sale piles. Almost anyone can reduce their possession by 20%.

3. Pack Yourself.  Pack most of your own things in boxes. By deciding to do this you can tell the moving companies to do estimates on basis they are moving not packing (except for covers and pads on large furnishings). Buy boxes and clean paper to pack. Start a few weeks in advance.

4. Plan Ahead.  Get some good moving checklists free on the web. Find one that fits you and your situation and use the list.  If followed these lists will save you both time and money.

5. Move at Off Times. If you are moving locally, consider moving during mid-month.  Moving companies are always busy at month’s end, but when business is slower some will lower rates. Just ask.